The Glinda Principle is a book about discovering the magical power within you.
Did you ever watch The Wizard of Oz?
Remember this part…
Great Message, Right?
Sure, if she had given it to her in the first place. I always hated Glinda for that. Why make her wait?
Because she wouldn’t believe her?
That’s Mallarky.
Well, ladies I believe in you.
And I’m telling you right now without you having to battle flying monkeys, murderous trees, or wicked witches, the power you need to achieve your dreams has been with you all along.
Most of us just allow everything else to get in our way.
The Glinda Principle teaches you how to clean house. To get rid of what no longer serves you as you pursue your dreams.
In the book, you’ll learn
- Which people closest to you are holding you back and how you can move past them.
- How to shed unhelpful notions about yourself and your ideas.
- The types of people who best help you achieve your dreams and the qualities you should be looking for in those closest to you.
- The steps to take to start living your best life, whether back in Kansas, Oz, or Hoboken.